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Paraphilias and paraphilic disorders in Parkinson's disease: A systematic review of the literature




Paraphilias are intense urges or behaviors involving non-normative sexual interests. The newly approved diagnostic criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) have established that, although paraphilias should not be regarded as inherently pathological, they ought to be qualified as paraphilic disorders if resulting in distress, impairment, or harm to the affected individual or others. Recent evidence documents that both phenomena can emerge as relatively uncommon iatrogenic consequences in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. To outline the clinical characteristics of paraphilias and paraphilic disorders in PD patients, we summarized the available evidence on these phenomena. The review encompasses all studies on paraphilias in PD patients identified by a search on the Pubmed and Scopus online databases through May 2014. Twenty-two case reports on a total of 31 PD patients with paraphilias or paraphilic disorders were identified. These phenomena were typically associated with dopaminomimetic treatment (with a mean levodopa-equivalent daily dose of 1,303 ± 823 mg/d) in male patients with motor complications, young age at PD onset, and long disease duration. Paraphilias were highly concomitant with impulse-control disorders or dopamine dysregulation syndrome. Although evidence on paraphilias and paraphilic disorders in PD patients remains anecdotal, available data point to these phenomena as likely sequelae of high-dose dopaminomimetic treatment. Accordingly, the intensity of paraphilic urges is typically attenuated by the reduction of dopaminomimetic doses, sometimes in association with atypical antipsychotics. Failure to recognize paraphilic disorders may significantly impair the relational functioning of the affected PD patients. Practitioners should routinely inquire about paraphilias during their clinical assessment of PD patients.
机译:亲友关系是涉及非规范性兴趣的强烈冲动或行为。 《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》第五版(DSM-5)中新批准的诊断标准已经确定,尽管不应将亲友病视为固有的病理学,但如果导致困扰,损害,则应将其视为亲友病。 ,或对受影响的个人或他人造成伤害。最近的证据表明,这两种现象在帕金森氏病(PD)患者中可能以相对罕见的医源性后果出现。为了概述PD患者的亲友病和亲友病的临床特征,我们总结了有关这些现象的可用证据。该综述涵盖了截至2014年5月,通过在Pubmed和Scopus在线数据库上进行搜索而确定的关于PD患者的亲友病的所有研究。共鉴定了22例关于31例患有亲友病或亲友病的PD患者的病例报告。这些现象通常与运动并发症,PD发病年龄小,病程长的男性患者接受多巴胺模拟治疗有关(平均左旋多巴等效日剂量为1,303±823 mg / d)。亲友性伴有冲动控制障碍或多巴胺失调综合症。尽管关于PD患者的亲友性和亲友性疾病的证据仍然是轶事,但可用数据表明这些现象可能是大剂量多巴胺模拟药治疗的后遗症。因此,有时通过与非典型的抗精神病药联合使用,降低多巴胺模拟剂量,可以减少对副交往的冲动的强度。未能认识到亲友病可能会严重影响受影响的PD患者的关系功能。从业人员在对PD患者进行临床评估时应例行询问亲友病。



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